Who we are.

100% plant-based, compostable disposables.
100% women-owned and operated.
Be a Good Host, Compost!™

Our founders.

Hosted was founded by two close friends who shared a vision to create a more sustainable and beautiful partyware brand. The excessive plastic waste gets old — it was time to refresh the industry. We take pride in being a certified women-owned and operated business.

Our mission.

Our mission is to change the way people think about and interact with waste, and our vision is to inspire a landfill-less society, where waste is 100% composted or recycled. Hosted compostable tableware combines plant-based disposable technology with elevated prints and patterns, making our products the most sustainable option while never sacrificing design.

Our sustainable efforts.

Switching to Hosted compostable disposable tableware allows for your party waste to break down and convert into nutrient-rich soil. Hosted products are certified to break down between 90-180 days, while conventional plastics can remain in our landfills and oceans for hundreds of years. Composting all organic waste could eliminate nearly 1/3 of all materials sent to landfills and trash incinerators across the U.S. Make the sustainable choice and shop Hosted.